515 Broadway
Brandenburg, Kentucky 40108
Office: 270-422-2196
FAX: 270-422-2472
After School HUB at 270-422-JHUB (5482) 

Parish Life

  • FINANCE AND PARISH COUNCIL : Representatives of the parish, foster he full participation of the entire parish in the life and mission of the parish and the Universal Church by setting parish direction and planning. Requires participation in the parish selection process and to have one's name drawn for service. Monthly meetings. Consultative to the pastor. 
  • Handyman jobs: volunteers to help with minor projects and repairs (janitorial, plumber, electrical, yard work, heaving lifting) Yard Work: Volunteers to weed and clean designated areas of the property. Ground and facilities: Volunteers working under the direction of the Administration committee concerning maintenance. 
  • PICNIC AND HARVEST FESTIVAL CHAIR: Annual fundraising and community events to help with parish upkeep. Directed by chairperson and team who organize and oversee all aspects of the events. Requires the ability to motivate and work with a variety of people. Booth Chairperson: Responsible for operating a designated booth in preparation for and on the day of the event. Includes set up, clean up and recruiting booth workers. Dining Room Worker: Assists in the set up, serving and clean up of meals. Kitchen Helpers: Prepares or cooks the food for the dinner and helps in the cleanup of the kitchen area and dishes. Set up and Clean up committee: Helps before and after activities.
  • Sew & Sews:  An outreach ministry for the sick and homebound through prayer and the gifting of quilts made by the members. The “prayer quilts”, available upon request, are a reminder of the faith community’s continuing prayer for their welfare.  
  • Parish Outreach: Debbie Thompson is coordinating this ministry. She would be very happy to have others go with her to minister to the women. If you would like to share your time and talent with this ministry, please contact her at 422-3507 or 863-1010, or just talk to her after Sunday Mass
  • The Bereavement Committee (people of the Parish that provide food for a meal for the families after a funeral) needs your help in providing a dish for this ministry. If you are willing to be put on the food calling list to bring a dish for funerals please contact Charlene Lawson at 270-422-2087. Thank you
  • Prayer Chain/Card Ministry Pray for others in need. You will be sent an email notifying you of people requesting prayers (surgery, illness, loss). You will also have the option of sending them a card. Please submit your email address to join this ministry, as you will be notified via email only. Prayer Ministry: Consciously praying for the needs of the parish and especially those asking for prayer on the prayer request list published weekly in the bulletin. 
  • Cemetery Committee: Oversees the development and upkeep of St. George Cemetery according to the directives of the archdiocese.
  • WOMEN'S JAIL MINISTRY “The women at the center have also made rosaries to send to the missions. A great deal of thanks goes to Patty Farrell for teaching the class. With your continued support, whether monetary, attending services at the center, volunteering for future activities or your prayers, it is my hope and prayer by the grace of God that we are able to continue this program and hopefully change, in some small way, the lives of these young ladies. We are so blessed to have such a wonderful parish!” Always in Christ, Debbie Thompson.
  • Community of Faith St. John’s is a faith-filled, visionary Catholic community that strives to be a responsible, supportive and compassionate neighbor. The community of Faith gathers to give praise and thanks to God. Each mass requires the help and dedication of many people.
  • Eucharistic Ministers Please make sure all spots have been filled before Mass. Delegated to distribute Holy Communion to the faithful during Mass. Requires reception of Confirmation, good standing with the church, participate in the training from the parish to be trained in parish procedures. Directed by the coordinator and pastor.
  • Lectors: Please make sure both lectors are present before Mass. A reader who proclaims the Word of God at Masses as well as at other liturgical services. Directed by the coordinator as guided by the parish priest. DAILY READINGS
  • New rental policy for use of the Church facilities

Parish Youth Activities

Children grades Preschool to 2nd grade are invited to attend each Sunday morning during the 10am Mass. Mass readings, Homily, and prayers are presented at an age appropriate level. Father Michael will invite you to go back to Children’s Liturgy following the opening prayer. The children will return during the Offertory.

For our young parishioners who wish to study and share their faith with others their own age. Volunteer catechists lead the instruction and share groups. September-April for grades Preschool-12. Following the 10am Mass on Sunday morning until Noon.

Elementary School aged students are invited to attend Choir. Practice is before Mass.

Vacation Bible School Offered for children ages Pre-school-1st grade during the summer months.

Lock-in Opportunities for these grades to gather and participate in fellowship, prayer, worship, and acts-of service events.

Catechist Certification Training-for adults wanting to become catechists.
-Baptism Instructor Training-for who instruct parents and godparents with a child being baptized.
-Marriage Preparation Couple-to-Couple-Training for couples involved in journeying with other couples through their marriage prep. 

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